Whole Food Plant-Based nutrition is being strongly advocated by many in order to change lives and make the world a better place. Doctors and nutritionists are supporting it for creating a population of long lived disability-free happy humans. Economists are supporting it to reduce healthcare costs, health insurance companies to improve their profitability and environmentalists to improve sustainability. Spiritual teachers of all faiths are supporting a Whole Food Plant-Based lifestyle to create a peaceful meditative mind, world renowned athletes to improve their performance, and celebrities for personal beauty and to slow aging. Animal welfare groups also support Whole Food Plant-Based nutrition. Rarely, does such consensus emerge in such a wide variety of thoughtful, productive members of society. This website aims to provide resources for a Whole Food Plant-Based lifestyle.

“Eat a nutritious diet based on a variety of foods originating mainly from plants, rather than animals.”

World Health Organization’s 12 steps to Healthy Eating